CRAZY ART, HAIKU, senryu, Skrivpuff

Osynliga rader

Skrivpuff: Kisa. Om ni kisar med ögonen och koncentrerar er riktigt mycket kanske ni ser att jag skrivit tre osynliga rader här …. Skrivpuffa är kul väntar så till klockan slår nu har den slagit. Nå!? Kunde ni läsa …

Carpe Diem, HAIKU, POETRY, senryu

Lost in Paradise

Carpe Diem #614: Paradise. This was 1982 … Arriving in night darkest ever but moonlight paradise my thought. Abu Dhabi sky everlasting sand dunes stars guiding camels. Exotic mid East spellbinding mesmerizing lost in paradise.

Daily Prompt, HAIKU, me, senryu

You know

Daily Prompt: Never too late. Is there a person you should’ve thanked, but never had the chance? Is there someone who helped you along the way without even realizing it? Here’s your chance to express your belated gratitude. No I don’t think so. I was so tremendously thankful that I told them. Because I wanted them… Read More You know

Daily Prompt, HAIKU, POETRY, senryu

Quickly forget

Daily Prompt: Shaken and Stirred. What’s the most elaborate, complicated meal you’ve ever cooked? Was it a triumph for the ages, or a colossal fiasco? Give us the behind-the-scenes story (pictures are welcome, of course). This was the hardest question to answer … since I don’t know when! When making a meal it turns to a disaster… Read More Quickly forget

Daily Prompt, HAIKU, POETRY, senryu

Differently go

Daily Prompt: Cousin it. We all have that one eccentric relative who always says and does the strangest things. In your family, who’s that person, and what is it that earned him/her that reputation? HAIKU – Senryu. Odd peculiar funny things are taking place in every person. It stands for you to controlled in every… Read More Differently go