Erotic Cuddle
Carpe Diem #923 desire. waves spoke longing flowers in erotic cuddle spring turned winter
Carpe Diem #923 desire. waves spoke longing flowers in erotic cuddle spring turned winter
Carpe Diem Theme Week #1 episode 7: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Insight 6 balance isn’t always necessary. drifts feelings reason the wolf spoke to the fairy bumblebee lost feelers
Daily Prompt: Drawing a Blank. When was the last time your walked away from a discussion, only to think of The Perfect Comeback hours later? Recreate the scene for us, and use your winning line. Walking away from a discussion!? I don’t. Others do. I don’t know why. Weakness? Insecurity? Loss of arguments? Anger? Disappointments?… Read More No matter what!
Skrivpuff: Lite håll. Han höll sig på utsiktslöst håll Det gillade inte jag Jag ville ju ha honom på närmare håll Inte för närma dock Lite lagom håll. -Du! -Nu är jag nöjd. Puss!
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