I am ready

Carpe Diem #640, First Sun (Hatsuhi) and Carpe Diem #641, Spring Kimono (Harugi). the beam of light strikes sun is grabbing the morning welcome sweet life in time for life the spring of offsprings wake coloring flowers I bought my ticket sitting in first row of show now press the button I am ready ….

Art, CRAZY ART, Dagbok, me

Vill vill vill – Hela tiden

Det är smärtsamt Att vara kreativ. Att skapa bilder bildligt och skriftligt. Konkret och abstrakt. Verklighet och fantasi. Bildskapandet ögon och sinne. Sannerligen en smärtsam process. Ibland så smärtsamt underbart att jag blir förlamad av glädje. Kraften bara är där. och jag bara vill … Vill Vill vill … Hela Tiden.

Daily Prompt, me

Maybe not

Carpe Diem #615, Exodus. Daily Prompt: Under the snow. You were caught in an avalanche. To be rescued, you need to make it through the night. What thought(s) would give you the strength to go through such a scary, dangerous situation? Is this real or not! I am captured under the snow. At least I can breathe though it is… Read More Maybe not

Daily Prompt, HAIKU, me, senryu

You know

Daily Prompt: Never too late. Is there a person you should’ve thanked, but never had the chance? Is there someone who helped you along the way without even realizing it? Here’s your chance to express your belated gratitude. No I don’t think so. I was so tremendously thankful that I told them. Because I wanted them… Read More You know