Budapest, BW, Daily Prompt, FOTO, PHOTOGRAPHY, POETRY

Choose your way

Daily Prompt: Pace Oddity. If you could slow down an action that usually zooms by, or speed up an event that normally drags on, which would you choose, and why? when having fun I don’t want it quickly done when life is boring I choose another touring


The Green Time

Daily Post: Time. Guest photo challenge host Lignum Draco asks us to show him the time. At a special time – around sunset – for a short moment – the Chain Bridge in Budapest turns green.

Budapest, FOTO, PHOTOGRAPHY, Skrivpuff

Tänk om!

Skrivpuff: Irriterad. himlen var blå iPhonen ringde rörmokaren kom aprikoskakan god 10 000 steg gångna nytagna foton redo frissan var bra bloggarna ompysslade nytt tema igen … tänk om mina besökare och prenumeranter blir irriterade … Tänk om!