Forget me not!
Mamma gillade hattar och denna fick hon av mig och mina systrar när hon fyllde 90 år. Hon gillade också den blå blomman Förgätmigej.
World Poetry Day
Vill ta mig i kragen och komma igång att läsa igen … flera böcker av Paulo Coelho väntar … det går alldeles för trögt … verkar som jag bara vill skriva … men … vill vill vill … läsa också!
Anemone Hepatica
Today I went to the Botanical Garden in Lund. I wanted to see if my favorite flower was about to flower. It was. du lilla sippa för mig faktiskt en klippa i mina rötter I have so many lovely memories around this little wonderful flower.
Gregorian Music
night of world as holy as never before but dark
Bach Cello Contemporary Dance – Liszt Academy
scene full of live music and dancers cello strings get target massage by handy fingers first seat makes performance come closer
Japanese Tea Ceremony
Today I went to explore and experience the Japanese café close to my space in the cultural life. I definitely wasn’t disappointed! I had my tea and felt healthy to my bones while writings some snail mails to beloved back home far north. green ‘n thick Japanese ancient tea for happiness I’m thinking about you all… Read More Japanese Tea Ceremony
The Key to
the key to harmony and my heart for you
Life is Three
life is three always the holy three to me *** Life 1 – You are in need of humans – a mother and a father. Life 2 – You are needed and required by all. Life 3 – You are not any longer needed. ***
Once I was
once I was of a kind of importance now not life can be nice and hard on lonely or trafficed roads ***
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