Daily Prompt, me

Maybe not

Carpe Diem #615, Exodus.
Daily Prompt: Under the snow.
You were caught in an avalanche. To be rescued, you need to make it through the night. What thought(s) would give you the strength to go through such a scary, dangerous situation?

Is this real or not! I am captured under the snow. At least I can breathe though it is unbearably cold. Drowned in the snow I start thinking about my life and it’s possible kind of ending. I’m not at all afraid to die. I am ready when it’s time. If the time is now – then it is.
I have had a fairly good life but lately affected by huge disappointments caused by a former near one. That happened on what I call the Terrible Tuesday – 26th Febr 2014.  I would rather not had that experience. It made a big black hole – a thorn in my life.

So I will rather give my thoughts to my son, my two daughters and to my four grandchildren. I am so proud of you. I was so happy for your letters M and B.  For skyping and talking with you M+W+B+M. I love you all .

And then I will just float away in my own world like I am able to do in special difficult situations. This ability I love and appreciate to have. It feels like nothing in the world can reach me and hurt me.

So maybe we see each other again – maybe not – that’s life.

Sadly floating by
all memories from the past
like melt frozen snow.



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